Wednesday, October 29, 2008

spot on the collar

I love that commercial. The one where the fellow is in an interview and the other man is listening to the SPOT on his shirt. Ain't it the truth?!
I sometimes wonder if the the theory is true that an oncoming train traveling over 60mph can create enough force in front of it that one is completely knocked unconcious before the impact. Whatabout jumping off a bridge?!!
Several years ago I had the unfortunate opportunity to view a newsreel of an attack against some villagers in one of those "poor little nations in Africa". The issue was Genocide. Now, can anyone out there describe to me his, or her thoughts on Genocide?!
As I watched this clip from the camera of of an English reporter I watched with amazed horror an attack on a woman on a street in public. She was brutalized and died slowly from a machette.
While I was in Nicaragua last year I was constantly reminded that that was the major killing device during their Rebel years. They wore them proudly as tools of course. The war was over. However, a machette is the viagra of the Nica people and they come in all sizes and shapes.
I had the honour of meeting a Nica warrior from the Revolution, Don Eloy. He was a little man, 75 yrs young with a 25 yr old mistress. Legend had it he killed over 45 men during those years. He brandished a machette that was nearly 3ft in length. And! I never wanted to piss him off. I could feel the legend was true.
Just thought I'd write something this morning. Trying to knock off some of the "blues" I'm feeling.

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