Sunday, October 12, 2008

Bitch Session #23A

Just got back from my run. tomorrow it's a visit with my new best friend The Cardiologist. I won't stop running. I've been running for 40 of my 55 years. I think it's what has helped me through times when rough sailing made the waves crash over my bow.

It's also when I take time to think. It's My Time.

I reflect about my future, present and past.

The past is what it is.

The present is, well, my bad, Limbo.

And the future is,..uncertain.

There are things I want to do and I'm not doing them!

I know what it is and it's my fault.

My Art is what is most important to me right now and it's NOT happening.

My mother told me some years back of an opportunity my father had when he was employed by Bendix Corporation in So. Bend, In.

Seems he was a fledgling engineer with something most employees there at the time lacked a bit of; common sense married with creativity.
As my mother put it the company saw potential in my father, so much so they offered him a position at their facility in Brasil. No, not Brazil, Indiana, Brasil, So. America.
Villa, servants, private schools,..............
My mother?? "I'm not moving where there's snakes and Indians." True to her southern roots.
So, opportunity was there and my father gave it up for family and his wife. I'm shaking my head right now.

So, here I am at 55 years of age running my ass off (literally my pants sag, OH God!!) and trying to obtain my Opportunity. I know what my friend Barney is saying, "Yeah, yeah, yeah, quit'cher bitchin'." He's right.
Beautiful day today. Leaves are turning. Great for running.

Tonite, I'll introduce you, dear readers, to my 3rd influence.

Sorry, just had to vent. Beats painting graffiti on walls.

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