Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Prepare yourselves, Dear Readers, for I embark upon a most serious journey this evening! I will bring to light the tragedies, the highlights, the pains, the joys of the "World's most Unfamous Artist". It will be the exposed, vulnerable and raw side of this Artist, this dislocated "Tropical Gypsy".
The "Roller Coaster of Life" will forever have a track that twists and turns; parables equating themselves to love and pain, sight and sound. "I am ready to paint." My canvas momentarily will be the pages of the computer, my brushes, the keyboard.
I realise the purpose of "my Journey", self-inflicted, or otherwise. "Interpretation" is the key for the medium and execution of my experiences over the past nine months of this "whirlwind" relationship with Humankind. My emotions have heightened themselves to a point I never realised. I welcome it. This Artist, unfamous for the moment, has seen his destiny wrought by Fate, it cannot be left "to pass" without my input.
My apprenticeship into the Art world was brought to my attention many years ago by two fellow Artisans whom I admired most. They gave me the "ability to see" and in turn I gave them a student "hungry to express himself" through art! My first inluence was a professor of Art at Indiana Univ. in South Bend, IN. As I sat in my chair working on a design project I had many hours into he walked by, reached down, crumpled my paper and said, "Start over." He could see my anger. And as he walked away he turned, looked into my eyes and said, "Someday, You will better than the average Artist. Now, do it over."
The second influence in my career came from a well-known Illustrator and Water-Colourist in the Mid-West, especially Chicago. How she ended up at a community college was beyond me. Maybe to get away, but for me it was an opportunity no one else on campus shared. She realised my potential, but knew my faults, she had work ahead for me, a lot of work. I was given a project to work on for several weeks. Each day I practised with a brush on small pieces of illustration board (6"x9"). Then she told me to go purchase a LARGE board. After weeks of painting minute "splashes" of colourful vegetables (she thought my carrots were sexy...back off, Pervs!!) and shapes of people I could only stare at this empty landscape of white. I sat, day after day. She was patient, I was becoming restless. And then it happened, my hand moved across the white landscape floating colours and shapes. I didn't have a clue to what I was doing, but it flowed; pure emotion. The several weeks of repetitious paintings and days of sitting mindless "came to fruition" in one hour. My "Mentor" came up to me and handed me her most favourite watercolour brush and said, "You're on your own, there's nothing I can teach you. You are now your own Teacher." "Wow!"
So, now it is time for this person to "Stop" the procrastination! and "Stop" the "mindf...s" brought down upon me by someone's inability to communicate to me.
"Nuf' said!"

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