Monday, November 2, 2009

Growing Older

I stopped in the gym the other day to get some weight training in (just to keep the arms and chest toned). It was on the 7.5 mile leg of my 8 mile run. As I entered the free weight room a young man addressed me with this; "It's hard for us young guys to keep up with you." "Eh?" "Did you just refer to me as an "old" man?" "No, sir." "Wait a minute. You just said it again." Needless, to say the kid was dumbfounded. However, he could continue his workout without hurt feelings.
I guess it never really occurred to me that I Was growing older until this last divorce. You see, my ex was 16 years younger and never did it ever occur to me that "age" was a factor in our relationship. Now, it's becoming clearer that maybe it was. Maybe my ex saw me in that way and decided that "no way", "uhn uhn, is that gonna happen to me!" So, what does one do? Change.

I've always been active. I cannot remember when I started running; 14, 15? I don't know. And I have always made it a point to have "younger" friends. The first time I heard someone say, "I'm getting to old for that." "Nope! Not my cup o' tea!" And especially when it comes from someone my own age! Therefore, subconsciously (maybe), I made it a point to "hang" with younger and if not, more active, or people that were like myself, refusing to grow...up.

Suffice it to say that I do relish the fact I can outdistance all my children in a run. The knees as of late have been saying, "Look, man, we gotta talk. Yer killin' us!" Now what? Well, I have always practiced self healing in the form of exercise and diet, with a "smattering" of vitamins. It has always been my way of life along with the "beer bongs", parties and yadayadayada's. Keeping the mind young. As of late, I do recognise the wrinkles, the scattered skin spots and the creaks, cracks, moans and groans. "Shit!" I have to ask, "WTF!!" This ain't funny! "Dr. John? Dr. John?! The patient looks pissed off! What do we do?!"

Res Firma Mitescera Nescit. I like that phrase! And the only Latin I know aside of E Pluribus Unim, which I think loosely translates as; "Yer All Screwed!" The phrase? Well, Res F....... loosely scribed is; "Once you've got it up, keep it up!" I like that! And so, I now ride my mountain bike in order to strengthen the knees, the wrinkles will have to be dealt with by increased training in the gym and my mind?..."keep it young, keep it up!" Like my Hero Mr. Jimmy Buffett says, "Growing older, not up."

It still bothers me though to look each day in the mirror and think of the battle ahead. I fear the young women who will say "sir" instead of "hey there!" No more winks, just smiles. And finding a female to keep up?! My age?! Whoa!! I guess what I am writing about is the inevitable that happens to ALL of us, when it hits, it hits hard! I like blue jeans and I like Rock & Roll. Hell, I've even come to like some Rap! Is that growing old?... Like I said, "keep it young,..."

I confess to trying this "online dating" thing and I'm getting a little "bummed". I keep putting the info for what and who I am looking for and I keep getting the 50's and 60's! Shit! I can do that in'a Bar, it's annoying! Truth is..."I really need a girlfriend!" HA! Part time. Someone to talk to, or listen to and "if it ain' too much to ask,..nice to look at." Gotta keep running and biking! "Lord!" However, maybe it's supposed to be this way; I mean, things DO happen for a reason don't they? And we should look at ourselves during the transition, right? It's good for the Soul.

Gonna wrap this up. Actually, I'm pretty happy with who I am. I'm very active, have a helluva lot of good friends who, like me, want to enjoy this Life while we can. I guess one could say, "I am and have been, Blessed." I have lovely chldren who in return have given me lovely grandchildren. Didn't the Beatles once say, "All you need is Love." ?

I shall leave you with this in mind Dear Readers, my "medicine fer what ails ya",...

Res Firma Mitescera Nescit. Peace and don't forget to help an old lady, or man across the street!


Walkr said...

You're only as old as the body you feel

Walkr said...

You're only as old as the body you feel. Carpe Cervesis

johnny boy said...

Damned skippy!