Sunday, April 26, 2009

and then.....

Dear Readers, sorry for the absence, but I have been busy. You see, this weekend (April 25th)officially became the date for my "New Life". On the books it will begin May 1st, but I and my sister Arlene started painting yesterday. From the photos above you can see the beginnings. It's slow, but it is my "new home", finally!! I have my good friend "Muh" to thank!. The location is perfect; a block from downtown, sits overlooking the St Joe River and the view from two large windows will inspire me! Arlene, "my sister" has been by my side all weekend painting and helping me set the "mood" for the apartment. Two days! One room! Tedious, but the outcome is totally "John Lidecker".
I have to thank the "Pirate" for allowing me to live in his home whilst this "road to somewhere" finally paved a driveway to rest my worries. Living with no home..."wow!" So now, well, now it IS MY Life!
I am very close to getting back to some "normalcy" (?is that real word??). It's the Internet I miss most now. It was and is my way of doing business. Amazing, eh?! Sending files across fiber optics, satellites,..and sending them thousands of miles, too! Love it!
The other thing about my apartment is the opportunity to do my Art. I have a lot to catch up on. I have several pieces I have been sketching and I have the idea for several "performance videos". These will be the "shock value" that I so love! Hey! If anybody wants to participate let me know! "No, Pervs, no nudity and porn! Sorry!" I want to touch upon those things in life that ARE a part of me. Hard to describe. Sometimes my inspirations come from deep inside. Society is my biggest inspiration! People, events...I'm pressed to express myself through Art. Sometimes I wish it wasn't there, because that passion for can be a bit debilitating. I KNOW that's one of the reasons for my current situation....and, oh yes, "blaming me for an excuse to have an affair!" Oh well.
I'm sorry, dear Readers, if my writing is a bit sketchy right now. My mind is full of tasks, ideas, things to do, etc. I need to find a time soon to sit down and catch up. However, I wanted to share my joy of finding A Home! And again, I have my friend "Muh" to thank. Arlene to thank. And..."Pirate". As well as you all!
From the transitional palette of the "World's most Unfamous Artist", this is the "Tropical Gypsy" bidding all of you Peace and Good Fortune!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Can an Artist receive disability comp?!

Artists! Not only eccentric, outspoken, outlandish, "different", "a tad bit left of center field", but on the whole...Nuts. Nutz!! Serial, dear Readers! I'm talking WTF?! How many people in their right minds (or is it left?!) want to be an Artist?! I tell you, it's an affliction! An abomination of Life!! Damned be the juices that flow and course through our veins!! Artists are one foot (as in appendages, foot) in the gene pool of insanity and one foot out. Maybe that's why we can tolerate idiots and people that just, well, are "not all there"! Actually, some people scare me! Take the drunkard I wrote about a few blogs back, or my friend Laurence whom I have written of (no offense, Dude, but, yeah, you scared the "beejeezus" outa me and I respect you for it to this day). ...plug; please read of Laurence's exploits at

Tonight I sit here typing to the masses, or lesser of the quotient, telling you all of my life and it's story. Granted, it was to be a "Chronological History of the Artist", but it sort of, along the way, became...well, Me. "This is ME!!" All about Me! Who the f... cares for cryin' out loud, except Me?! I guess in the end though there is a story, a comment to be made here. As in the famous line sung by the great "hippie-cowboy" Willie Nelson, "Mommas don't let yer babies grow up to be Artists..." Yeah, it's kinda like that. I never asked to be an Artist, it was There. I never really had to study Art, but I wanted to learn some "rules". Yes, there are really rules to Art! Just so happens I had an opportunity in my life to learn those "rules" from Artists who taught the "rules of the Masters". To say less would be to say, "Yeah, I know Karate, took two classes and decided I could go and kiss some ass!" ...right.... and you got that broken arm from wha..?!

I sat Saturday evening drawing, actually drawing from my soul at my favourite haunt these days, the Nuggett. It was a quiet evening, not much of a crowd. I decided to "curb my urge" and took my drawing pad and writing utensils along for the ride. It's hard to explain, dear Readers, but I cannot "just sit and draw", it has to "come to me." At times it might take hours, some times days and some times, years. I feel that "time" has approached. As I have advertised, "A Chronological History of the Artist". That evening I sketched what I need to do over the next few months, maybe years. I have a "new direction" for my Art. "I'm excited!" All I need is a "home" with a studio, or a studio and a home, or a studio with a place to sleep and eat. This Limbo shit is getting tiring! Once again, may I get an applause for my friend Laurence?! He endured a lot. Dude, I have to come visit. There will be much libation in the form of Tequila (hope you like Don Julio!).

None the less, dear Readers, I must profess the above photo is from a painting I executed in 1974. It's an abstract done in oils. This part is true; from start to finish I never realised what I was doing, it just "flowed" onto the canvas. The idea came to me as a feeling. Little did I know I was painting my own portrait! It also was at that time my period of "experimentation" with wines. "Oh yeah.. I'm sure some of you know of what I speak!!" Lessee, back then it was; Boone's Farm, Annie Green Springs, Ripple, Mad Dog 2020, Cold Bear(?), and the dreaded "Maneschewitz"!! The last was when all else was partaketh of and delivered a two day hangover from Hades! No wonder the Jews wandered the desert for 40 years, shit like that you couldn't see a lamp post at night if it were in front of you! Great for losing weight!!

So, I ask, "can I be compensated for being "borderline nutz"?! Eh?! I thought so.... Just gotta live with it. However, I wouldn't be who I am, right?! Actually, I kinda like it. I mean I can do some shit and get away with it,...just because!!! Therefore, the Artist is now beginning to "crack the shell" formed by years of submission and devotion to,...?!? I dunno, was it nothing?! I mean, here I sit wondering where I'll be in a few hours, days, weeks; fear of the unknown can be hard to deal with as some of you are aware. I realize that this "thing" happening in my life at this time is THE catalyst I have needed to create! It's tough, but it's Life! Each day is an emotional cocktail mixed with a bastion of emotions that could be overwhelming, but I LIVE for it! In the end I "will triumph!" my Art will be my reward! Thank you, my "soontobe X"! Thank you for reducing my life to the most rudimentary elements devoid of love from another and the security of "home". I am growing. I am being taught to rely on Me, not you. I will dedicate my first "new" piece in honour of that! ...sounds a bit like some anger there, eh?! No, frustration. I miss comfort, but comfort made me dependent and I know where that dependency has placed me.

Okay, how 'bout that for "compensation" now?! ...I thought so. Well, tomorrow brings forth another adventure for the "World's most Unfamous Artist". Thanks for listening, dear Readers, all of you have been my latest and greatest canvas to date! I'll write again when I have the opportunity to the internet!!

Peace Out!

Man, I need a vacation!