Monday, January 23, 2012
It has been many Elections I have seen in my life, but NONE BY FAR excel the childish rants, taunts and "poo-slinging" of these so-called Political Hopefuls! I REFUSE TO VOTE! I cannot contribute to an "already-bought an' paid for" President. Doesn't matter WHO becomes Prez...fact is, I KNOW nuthin's gonna change, get better and "life as we know it"...kiss it goodbye!
Slap my hands for not voting, but as I said I have witnessed the Poli-Bureau's rise to Power. At this moment they "chisel away" our Freedoms. It's sad...the Majority of people in this Country are fucking blind to the "rape and pillaging" happening every day! The TRUTH!?! There is only THEIR TRUTH! They control the media, the finances, wealth and power of each and everyone one of us.
What to do?....I dunno. I'll get back with ya!
In the meanwhile, enjoy the CIRCUS!
Monday, January 16, 2012
2012...Happy New Year from the WMUA & Tropical Gypsy
Mid month! 2012 no doubt! Sucha fuckedup 2011, glad t'see yer ass go! A D I O S! Y'know there comes a time in all our lives when y'jus' gotta "shuck shit" and fergitaboutit! Been a long time that I addressed this Blogsite...too fuckin' long! Sorry about the Neandertal Expletives, but I jus' gotta venti! An' here's m'vent:
This might b'personal t'some o'you folkes out there and I know y'all have good reason behind yer opinions, but in MY life there are principles! Those principles have got my ass in a few tidal pools and then again, w'out 'em...I wouldn' b'the person danglin' from this "Big Blue Orb" that I am.
Touchy subject 'bout those young Marines "pissing" on the dead bodies o'Taliban. Very touchy I'm findin'. Me, I find it WRONG! I've expressed this on Facebook and have met quite a bit o'opposition. As to b'expected. Especially from those "Who Have Served" in our Armed Forces. I don't have the right, first of all, to even believe "I know what they've been thru, or goin' thru!" I've never been in the Military and proud of it! Some o'you might b'obit "ruffled" 'bout that, but this IS AMERICA, LAND O'THE FREE! Right? And I'm hearin' some o'you sayin', "Without a Military, you wouldn't have yer FREEDOM, ASSHOLE!" Right you are. You have earned that right to b'angered w'me. And those Who have fallen in battle, byallmeans, I do respect your "sacrifice" and respect those Families who have lost a loved one in Battle. But, if one could "crawl inside" m'mind to understand how I feel about WAR as a whole...ain' happnin' too soon, I reckon.
Let me git back to the young Soldier's "pissin' on those carcasses". I feel contempt for those individuals doin' the pissin'! First, they've not only "setback" oppotunity to resolve this "Campaign" (it's not a WAR! never been declared!), but they've literally "pissed" on the Citizens of this Country! If y'can't figger it out, well then yer more of a moron than I. I don't give a shit about someone tellin' me War is Hell! And I sure as hell don't give a ratsass about someone tellin' me "y'ain' been in my shoes!" Have YOU once considered that maybe, jus' maybe that "we are"? I mean, "when you go, someone goes with you." FAMILY, FRIENDS, a COMMUNITY. WE ALL GO WITH YOU! Dif'rence is, "you've got a gun. You've got someone tellin' you that, "yer chances o'bein' killed t'day are at an alltime hi!" Now, don' tell me yer lookin' forward t'that! Don't tell me yer not thinkin', This might not have been a good choice!" Don't tell me yer proud o'goin t'someone else's country, sittin' in their backyard wi' gunfire ricochetin' all aroun' ya, watchin' the family inside th'house gittin' killed cause o' SOMEONE ELSE'S INABILITY TO COMMUNICATE IN A CIVILISED FASHION is a good thing!! Don' tell me that yer NOT thinkin' 'bout yer wife n kids sittin' back home waitin' fo' one o' two things; YOU, or a LETTER!
This Country that yer "dyin' for" has been in reckless campaigns for generations! All in the name of FREEDOM? Right now this "clusterfuck" in the Middle East reminds me of the fuckin' CRUSADES! CHRISTIAN & MUSLIM! We been WARRING with each other for over 1000 years! CAN YOU FATHOM THAT?! 1000 YEARS! I have to ask, "WHAT THE FUCK?!" Is it ME?! Or does this sound INSANE?! This is a RELIGIOUS WAR fought on both sides! Don' tell me it'sa "Jihad" thing! It's a CHRISTIAN thing as well...right? "GOD n COUNTRY"! Idiots! Mindfuckin' idiots! And our "son's n daughter's" are told "Daddy has t'do this for your FREEDOM". SERIAL?!
VietNam...who won? Was it a stalemate? " signs of any Godless Commies"...might b'okay." ARE YOU FUCKIN' KIDDING ME?! Allow m'to vent again! VietNam was a French Colony. The Vietnamese people were subjects. Now, how would ya' feel if one morn' y'woke up n saw a bunch a "baguettes" sittin' in yer face when you were accustomed t'breakfast, yer way?! The French colonised VietNam for it's strategic location an' resources. One day someone (Vietnamese) asked, "Why?"...After that came "INSURRECTION"..."ooh, bad!" Bad for the French, they got their arses kicked at Dien Bien Phu. The VietCong (the North) had enough of "someone else's haute couture". The dividin' line made it the North vs. the South.."how does that always happen? Not East vs West?! confusin'..."Ah but, Wait! I hear the sounds o'money clinkin' in someone's hands!"
INVESTOR'S saw an opportunity figgerin' the VietCong were weak and iliterate, ill equiped, etc. So, some U.S. investors met with S'Vietnamese officials (military...hmm) an' said, "We'll bring in some men t'protect yer asses IF you agree to givin' us somethin' in return!" The rest is History. Thousands o'lives lost...lives shattered, homes shattered, businesses gone...and that's the Vietnamese side I'm talkin' 'bout! Over here we had thousands o' live lost, shattered, riots,' it goes on.
In the end, did we "REALLY HAFTA WORRY 'BOUT COMMUNISM?!" NO! NO! NO! The Vietnamese only wanted ONE THING! The ONE THING this country decrys all over the world, FREEDOM! They wanted THEIR COUNTRY back!
I've vented enuff. I've "stepped on" some toes. I'm an ass and an idiot! As stated earlier, "a man of priciples". They're "my principles". I believe ALL war is wrong. People should have the "Right" to live without fear, oppression. Yes, We DO NEED a Military to PROTECT US from invasion, but when WE "become the Invaders", I hafta question what is right an' what is wrong. 9/11...a long time ago. To date we've gone FAR BEYOND the death toll in the Two Towers that morn'. We've accomplished upseating a Tyrant and killing a Man so Elusive even his own Army didn't know his whereabouts, leaving behind a country in turmoil. And now, we are in Afghanistan...and Pakistan.
Look at it on the Global Map...Kuwait, Iraq, Afghanistan..."where next?" I daresay if we fuck with Iran, the World as We know it will change forever! Iran, once PERSIA was the "seat of modern Civilisation...thousands of years before we were speakin' english and runnin' t'WalMart fer cheap "Made in China" goods, they had a system of Gov't the Greeks admired an' copied. The Iranian Government seems unstable to us, because WE have created INSTABILITY.
And when We condone "pissing" on the enemy when DEAD, "how far have We come as a Species?" I don't care if a miltary General says, "War is Hell." How can WE, as a NATION OF GOD sit idly by and say, "They did it to us! Even worse!" That to me is the difference..."Rise Above It". You've defeated your foe, You have killed! Let it end there!
...and the Crusades continues....
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