lessee...where wuz I? Jo! Yes, Jo. As a child, Jo was fucked from the beginning! He had a malady of troubles, #1 being Asthma. "Oh yeah, put a paperbag over my head." Go figure. You can't breathe, you cop an attitude. On the otherhand, if you're a small kinda guy, like Jo, well, you're fucked again; Dudes always pickin' onya, was a helluva time to "grow up". But, he did. And with many friends despite.
Jo had "the knack". He attracted people! People wanted to be around Jo. Albeit, the guy was "short, weird and kinda geeky", but! people were attracted to him! "This Persona, this Machismo, it was what People were lacking and looking for". I will call it, "Island Spirit". Therefore, "Tropical Gypsy". As it lay, Jo had friends he couldn't even remember names of....!
Growing up he had opportunity that was not keen to the "family". Jo was a helluv an Artist, but his father saw Artists as,..."fags" and was not going to spend a dime on his son's college ed. fags. *to this day,..I cannot see the relavance. For a year, Jo tolerated the factory, the abuse of a "rednecked" culture to this day he cannot comprehend! However, he lasted a year in order to save money for college,..Art School.
His first day at the University was like looking at the "insides ofa candy jar". The pickens were Enormous! His Art classes abounded with people he could, at last, communicate with. It was by far, the next best thing he'd enrolled in. His classes were intent! The professors, unrelenting, but Jo, determined, was on top of the world.
A semester gone and Jo discovered that paying for the "bills" were a bit from "his league"...Expensive! From there he joined a local community college and with that, "shit! I was in an environment I could not and would not, walk away!" Jo, actually helped some of the Art teachers with the program...and the "dude" was good! So good, his teachers became "students". "WTF!"
It was the winter semester and Jo was knee deep in marketing, business, name it, he was there. Anxious to learn more of his world and environment. So, aftenoon, as he was sitting, studying for the next exam, in the "student commons (social meeting area) his life, without a doubt!. changed, forever! A new Era was on the rise and "Jo", was there to cut the ribbon for it.
He was a "bouncer, bodybuilder and a devote "man of God". He was confident in all situations, well versed in matters of importance of the day, he could tell a woman that, "she was in need, or just fucking kidding." He was, without a doubt, someone I could "look up to". So it began,,,
Jo had his first experience with selling pot via afriend and aquaintance..."fucking school teachers" to boot! And! The deal went totally bad! Jo, thru a good friend, decided that, "Hey! we can do this!" And it never did happen! it was BullShit!: