Thursday, November 19, 2009

Tales of the Tropical Gypsy


lessee...where wuz I? Jo! Yes, Jo. As a child, Jo was fucked from the beginning! He had a malady of troubles, #1 being Asthma. "Oh yeah, put a paperbag over my head." Go figure. You can't breathe, you cop an attitude. On the otherhand, if you're a small kinda guy, like Jo, well, you're fucked again; Dudes always pickin' onya, was a helluva time to "grow up". But, he did. And with many friends despite.

Jo had "the knack". He attracted people! People wanted to be around Jo. Albeit, the guy was "short, weird and kinda geeky", but! people were attracted to him! "This Persona, this Machismo, it was what People were lacking and looking for". I will call it, "Island Spirit". Therefore, "Tropical Gypsy". As it lay, Jo had friends he couldn't even remember names of....!

Growing up he had opportunity that was not keen to the "family". Jo was a helluv an Artist, but his father saw Artists as,..."fags" and was not going to spend a dime on his son's college ed. fags. *to this day,..I cannot see the relavance. For a year, Jo tolerated the factory, the abuse of a "rednecked" culture to this day he cannot comprehend! However, he lasted a year in order to save money for college,..Art School.

His first day at the University was like looking at the "insides ofa candy jar". The pickens were Enormous! His Art classes abounded with people he could, at last, communicate with. It was by far, the next best thing he'd enrolled in. His classes were intent! The professors, unrelenting, but Jo, determined, was on top of the world.

A semester gone and Jo discovered that paying for the "bills" were a bit from "his league"...Expensive! From there he joined a local community college and with that, "shit! I was in an environment I could not and would not, walk away!" Jo, actually helped some of the Art teachers with the program...and the "dude" was good! So good, his teachers became "students". "WTF!"

It was the winter semester and Jo was knee deep in marketing, business, name it, he was there. Anxious to learn more of his world and environment. So, aftenoon, as he was sitting, studying for the next exam, in the "student commons (social meeting area) his life, without a doubt!. changed, forever! A new Era was on the rise and "Jo", was there to cut the ribbon for it.

He was a "bouncer, bodybuilder and a devote "man of God". He was confident in all situations, well versed in matters of importance of the day, he could tell a woman that, "she was in need, or just fucking kidding." He was, without a doubt, someone I could "look up to". So it began,,,

Jo had his first experience with selling pot via afriend and aquaintance..."fucking school teachers" to boot! And! The deal went totally bad! Jo, thru a good friend, decided that, "Hey! we can do this!" And it never did happen! it was BullShit!:

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Daily Inspiration

As I enter my "run" I shift my attention from my aching knees, years (over forty, good lord!) of running has brought me to this plateau. I try to concentrate on the visuals; my run through Niles and then to the countryside. The pain generally ebbs by the time I am halfway in. Eight miles, not bad. It is catching up, however and I am now training between my mountain bike to help strengthen the joints.

As I was saying, I run out into the country, I love it there. I love the vast stretches of fields of corn and soybean. As the seasons change so do the colours of the crops. Although I am only 3-5 miles distant from town there is still a sense of solitude that embraces my soul as I enter my "runner's trance". It is there I can reflect upon my life past, present and future. It was there also, I ran with the "heartbreak" of my impending and now completed divorce. The running helped me through those times. Not an idea what would've happened had I not tested my body and mind. I dare say it did help keep me from the "barscene" nightly! I digress to a time now past. My apologies, dear Readers.

This morning I was preparing for my run and administering the normal routine of stretching, bending and applying massive amounts of muscle rub and Ben Gay to the knees! As I started from my apartment the pain radiated up into my brain. "Dude! What the fuck are you doing to us?!" I limped back and was preparing the mountain bike. And then it struck me, "No. I am going to run. I just have to work through the ache for the first two, or three miles and then all will be well." So, much to the complaints of "right and left" kneecaps, I limped out of the parking lot and into the streets.

Concrete and asphalt are a runner's worst enemy. The constant pounding on pavement is detrimental to feet, knees and lower back. I try most times to stay on the grassy edge of the sidewalk and during autumn the piled leaves that are scattered atop the walks. It then becomes my goal to eliminate the pain through a conscious effort of visuals, or thought. Today was good...much to think about. I am readying myself for the "greatest concerted effort" to bring to fruition those "goals" I have dreamed about for so many years. I do have to say that my divorce was the "stimulous". I have to "take care of myself", my retirement, my life! Karma! I can now say had this divorce not happened I do believe I might still be "trudging along" dependent upon another. So, I am happy to announce, dear Readers, this body has enrolled back into a University to get the Bachelor's degree I left behind decades ago. I also have to say with much enthusiasm, I have began to administer the necessities to bring my Art Show to a reality! Another painting went to the framer yesterday. And finally,

my Logo! I have sat on this for almost fifteen years and it's time is come. If marketed right it will be bigger than "No Fear" and I daresay with some reluctance (but still optomistic) maybe even a possible equal with Nike! It is "my baby". It could possibly even be my retirement as well as others whom I am wanting to bring into the picture.

So there you have the latest update from the "World's most Unfamous Artist". But! I need to tell you something that happened to me on my run today. As expected the pain left. My pace picked up and I was in the "zone". I LOVE to run! With a passion! No greater feeeling of physical accomplishment! As I was at the halfway point, dear Readers I came upon an elderly woman painting a fence with stain. "Eh?" you ask. Well, this was just no ordinary scenario. As a matter of fact, I was well acquainted with the painting of the fence and was of great interest to me. You see, this elderly woman had been painting the fence now for over a month! It was on a farm and had three horizontal rails and spanned no less than a third mile on one side and a quarter mile on the other and she alone had been doing the painting.

So there she was nearing the last three, ten foot sections and I had to stop to tell her how impressed I was by her fortitude and dedication to the fence. She told me she had hoped to finish the fence before the snows came. I expressed to her that seemed doabled since she had approximately thirty feet left. She responded with, "Oh my, no. I still have to paint the Otherside!" I was floored! I laughed and apologised for my outburst, but the sheer magnitude of this project being done by one, elderly woman just impressed the shit out of me! She could see my amazement to which I responded to her, "It must be a labour of love." "I love the outdoors and I love to be busy and my horses love to be near me when I work." she said. I told her, "You have inspired me. Thank you." She smiled back and said, "Do stop by anytime you see me out here, you humor me."

As I ran away I thought to myself, this is what keeps us alive, goals and aspirations. Without them, we are useless to ourselves and therefore unfortunately, somtimes rely upon others to take care of our needs. As I set forth into my "new life" I know, "I am the only one who can accomplish what I need to do. No one, absolutely no one could possibly do it better than me." I am a happy man, dear Readers. Truly, my wealth is in my hands and my soul! And should that wealth turn into something of a material nature, "I will spread it like butter!"

Thank you for listening through these months of trials and tribulations! Your support and thoughts have been "treasures" to my well being. I love you, my friends!

Inspriration can come from the most uncanny source sometimes! I bid you all a good life, my dear Readers! More to come.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Growing Older

I stopped in the gym the other day to get some weight training in (just to keep the arms and chest toned). It was on the 7.5 mile leg of my 8 mile run. As I entered the free weight room a young man addressed me with this; "It's hard for us young guys to keep up with you." "Eh?" "Did you just refer to me as an "old" man?" "No, sir." "Wait a minute. You just said it again." Needless, to say the kid was dumbfounded. However, he could continue his workout without hurt feelings.
I guess it never really occurred to me that I Was growing older until this last divorce. You see, my ex was 16 years younger and never did it ever occur to me that "age" was a factor in our relationship. Now, it's becoming clearer that maybe it was. Maybe my ex saw me in that way and decided that "no way", "uhn uhn, is that gonna happen to me!" So, what does one do? Change.

I've always been active. I cannot remember when I started running; 14, 15? I don't know. And I have always made it a point to have "younger" friends. The first time I heard someone say, "I'm getting to old for that." "Nope! Not my cup o' tea!" And especially when it comes from someone my own age! Therefore, subconsciously (maybe), I made it a point to "hang" with younger and if not, more active, or people that were like myself, refusing to grow...up.

Suffice it to say that I do relish the fact I can outdistance all my children in a run. The knees as of late have been saying, "Look, man, we gotta talk. Yer killin' us!" Now what? Well, I have always practiced self healing in the form of exercise and diet, with a "smattering" of vitamins. It has always been my way of life along with the "beer bongs", parties and yadayadayada's. Keeping the mind young. As of late, I do recognise the wrinkles, the scattered skin spots and the creaks, cracks, moans and groans. "Shit!" I have to ask, "WTF!!" This ain't funny! "Dr. John? Dr. John?! The patient looks pissed off! What do we do?!"

Res Firma Mitescera Nescit. I like that phrase! And the only Latin I know aside of E Pluribus Unim, which I think loosely translates as; "Yer All Screwed!" The phrase? Well, Res F....... loosely scribed is; "Once you've got it up, keep it up!" I like that! And so, I now ride my mountain bike in order to strengthen the knees, the wrinkles will have to be dealt with by increased training in the gym and my mind?..."keep it young, keep it up!" Like my Hero Mr. Jimmy Buffett says, "Growing older, not up."

It still bothers me though to look each day in the mirror and think of the battle ahead. I fear the young women who will say "sir" instead of "hey there!" No more winks, just smiles. And finding a female to keep up?! My age?! Whoa!! I guess what I am writing about is the inevitable that happens to ALL of us, when it hits, it hits hard! I like blue jeans and I like Rock & Roll. Hell, I've even come to like some Rap! Is that growing old?... Like I said, "keep it young,..."

I confess to trying this "online dating" thing and I'm getting a little "bummed". I keep putting the info for what and who I am looking for and I keep getting the 50's and 60's! Shit! I can do that in'a Bar, it's annoying! Truth is..."I really need a girlfriend!" HA! Part time. Someone to talk to, or listen to and "if it ain' too much to ask,..nice to look at." Gotta keep running and biking! "Lord!" However, maybe it's supposed to be this way; I mean, things DO happen for a reason don't they? And we should look at ourselves during the transition, right? It's good for the Soul.

Gonna wrap this up. Actually, I'm pretty happy with who I am. I'm very active, have a helluva lot of good friends who, like me, want to enjoy this Life while we can. I guess one could say, "I am and have been, Blessed." I have lovely chldren who in return have given me lovely grandchildren. Didn't the Beatles once say, "All you need is Love." ?

I shall leave you with this in mind Dear Readers, my "medicine fer what ails ya",...

Res Firma Mitescera Nescit. Peace and don't forget to help an old lady, or man across the street!